You want to thrive.
You want to feel good. Do good. And have good done to you in return.
You’ve been lookin’ for meaning.
Not just any meaning—but meaning in your life.
In your relationships.
In your career.
In your existence.
And you know there’s wide-open possibility to have all of it.
Peace of mind.
And the most luscious life a woman could hope for.
(Because every woman deserves to have one.)
you’re having trouble putting the pieces together. You haven’t quite made sense of your lived experience and you’re feeling a little limited. Held-back. Under-supported. Stifled.
Because you need a big ol’ tectonic plate movin’ kind of shift.
Something that’s going to supercharge your existence, and get you on the high road—leaving what hasn’t been working far, far behind.
Maybe it’s a relationship breakdown—with your lover, your boss, your son, your mother-in-law or hey, the man who does your dry cleaning. (Conflict can pop up in the weirdest situations.)
Maybe it’s family stuff. Maybe you’re not feeling satisfied in your career. (In fact, you’d rather be wasting time on Facebook than sitting at your desk reading through another boring P&L statement.) Maybe you’ve been wondering what the heck you should be doing with your life. Or you realize that somewhere along the way you completely lost all of your creative juice. Perhaps you’ve been struggling with your health or weight. Or hey, maybe it’s your relationship with your self.
But whatever it is, it’s holding you back from doing what you want to do in your life — in a really big way.
And that’s a really big problem.
It’s a problem because there’s only one gloriously divine human being that is YOU. And when you turn your back on what you want, your deepest desires, You sentence yourself to a life of dull, dim, and depressing
You have so much potential. Your life holds so much possibility. And you can have the things you’ve been aching for.
You can be her.
You can be the woman you’re envisioning.
The woman who owns and expresses her unique voice and vision.
The woman who settles for more.
The woman who’s like a breath of fresh air when she walks into the room.
The woman who walks through life on purpose and empowered, creating beauty, connection and love for herself and those around her.
The woman who really has her shit together.
The woman who is living her blissed out bombshell love-a-pa-looza of a life
I’m Cami Elen
and I’d like to introduce you to the concept behind Feminine Power.*
Why? Well, because traditional definitions of power come from a man’s world.
We spent years trying to catch up with men, to wield the same sense of control and authority, and whip the outside world into shape.
And while that sense of power has served us well in many ways, it’s also done us a disservice, because things like love, intimacy, connection and creativity cannot be achieved with linear logic and the traditional masculine definitions of power we’ve come to know—and use.
The things that make life magical and worth living require a different type of power—a feminine power, where you actually become a magnet for beauty, joy, love and contribution to come to you, and through you, rather than you having to go out and “get” it..
And that’s precisely what I’m here to help you with.
Through my Feminine Power coaching—both on a one-on-one level and in group setting—together we’ll determine how you uncover the real possibilities of your life, live your most satisfying truth, and become a woman whose life—and attitude—inspires others to up their own game.
*Feminine power is a different kind of power than the one we’re used to using. But it’s the kind of power you need to tap into if you wish to create love, intimacy, connection, creativity and all the luscious things that have been missing in your life.
Some of the Things I’ll Teach You Are:
- Why most popular approaches to transforming core beliefs–and everything else life coachey you hear– does not work for women. (And what really does.)
- How to use what’s happened in the past as fuel to jumpstart your future. (Because old habits do not die hard and you must liberate yourself from old patterns.)
- The secret to having an empowered relationship with your emotions, and why you have to do this in order to play up, reach higher levels, and soar the way you were MEANT TO.
- How to ground your desires and secret longings so that you can draw what you want to you, rather than away from you.
- The secret to developing your intuitive muscles, so you can have the confidence that you’re making the right decision.
- Learn why we cannot become ourselves by ourselves, and how to create the types of partnerships that will unleash the full realization of the wild, stunning gifts you’ve brought to this world.
- How to feel like life is your accomplice and closest ally, a force that is up underneath you and supporting you to magnetize all the things you have been deeply desiring.
Feminine Power Coaching Might Be For You If:
- You feel your highest potential isn’t being reached, and when you notice the gap between where your life is and where it could be it makes you feel sad, depressed, or confused.
- You’ve got a lingering sense of discontent you just can’t shake.
- You’re plagued by a problem that doesn’t have a name–something’s wrong but you can’t put your finger on it. Or fix it.
- Your life is working on a lot of levels, but there is a feeling of “stuckness” or non-possibility in at least one area that is stopping you from living your “A” Life.
- You’re ready for more. More love. Intimacy. Connection. Belonging. Creativity. Self-expression. Meaning. Purpose. Contribution. And HOPE.
If This is You:
Then get ready. Life as you know it is over–a whole new era is waiting to be born. One where you’re blissfully in control of your circumstances and, more importantly, the way you feel.
Because you have the right to:
Live out loud and unapologetically
Fall in love with your life
Express your ideas with passion with authenticity
Feel supported, loved and nourished by your relationships
Luxuriate in your sensuality and radiance
Be on purpose and in your power.
Share your greatest gifts and make your biggest contribution
So let’s do this.

Master the Power of the Feminine to create the life of your dreams.
Feminine Power Sessions
held via Skype or phone.
I offer 3 packages for clients ready to work with me 1:1. Please have a look and see which one is right for you…
Select one of the following:
I’m ready for the 60-minute Private Coaching Session
Single 60-minute private coaching session (open topic)
I’m ready for the 9-session Package
8-session bundle + 1 complimentary “booster” session scattered over three months
I’m ready for the 20-session Package
20-session bundle (foundational Feminine Power skills + 3 month focus track) scattered over 6 months
I’m ready for a complimentary 30- minute Hello Session with Cami
For women who are almost positive coaching is for them but just want a few essential or procedural questions answered. Click here to learn more.
“When I started to work with Cami, I was stuck inside myself in a deeply painful place. Cami helped me to find my way out of this dark, stuck, fear-filled place away from shame and blame and to center in my true power, restoring my faith in myself, life and others. Thank you, Cami!”
-Leela Somaya, New York, NY
“Just wanted to let you know that tonight’s call was one of the most powerful I’ve ever experienced. The reflections, inquiries and coaching you provided revealed more to me–it was as if a beautiful jewel was turned up to the light in a slightly different way, revealing a beautiful new facet not seen before. I really see that you are committed to the empowerment of your clients and I appreciate your forthright modeling of the work. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
-Therese Factora, Los Angeles, CA
Want the support of a group of women going through the Feminine Power Process?
Click here to learn more.